Support materials for
The Mata Book: A Book for Serious Programmers and Those Who Want to Be

You can download the files that were discussed in The Mata Book: A Book for Serious Programmers and Those Who Want to Be from within Stata using by typing

      . mkdir ~/matabook/
      . cd ~/matabook/
      . copy .
      . unzipfile
      . erase
      . view README.txt

You are done.

If you do not have an Internet connection from within Stata, you can download one of the following files: Zip format, 35 MB
tmb.tar.Z Unix tar.Z format 48 MB

We suggest that you create a new, empty folder named ~/matabook/ and copy the materials there.

Datasets used in this book and available here are provided on an 'as is' and 'where is' basis and without warranty of any type or kind. StataCorp hereby expressly disclaims and excludes all warranties and conditions, whether statutory, express, implied, or otherwise, with respect to the datasets, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement of third-party rights.