Datasets for
Stata Survey Data Reference Manual, Release 14
Datasets used in the Stata Documentation were selected to demonstrate the use of Stata.
Datasets were sometimes altered so that a particular feature could be explained.
Do not use these datasets for analysis purposes.
Download instructions:
- click on a file to download it to a local folder on your machine
- extract the contents of the file - Windows and Mac users can double click the file
Windows and Mac users: if you do not have a decompression program, you may
want to download one from In this page, Windows
users should search for "WinZip", while Mac users should search for "StuffIt
Expander". Download the program to your computer, and run it. When the
installation is complete, you will be able to extract the command.tar file.
Unix/Linux users can of course just use tar, ie: tar -xf command.tar
to extract the contents.
StataCorp gratefully acknowledges that
some datasets in the Reference Manuals are
proprietary and have been used in our printed
documentation with the express permission of the
copyright holders. If any copyright holder
believes that by making these datasets
available to the public, StataCorp is
in violation of the letter or spirit of any
such agreement, please contact
[email protected]
and any such materials will be removed from
this web page.