Both cointegrating relationships are significant at the 5% level in the
\(\Delta w_{V,t}\) equation, consistent with the normalization in (10.5).
However, both cointegrating relationships also are significant at the 5%
level in the \(\Delta w_{V,t}\) equations, contradicting our assumption that
\(\alpha_{M1} = 0\). A nonzero value of \(\alpha_{M1} = 0\) will complicate
somewhat the interpretation of the estimates.
Both cointegrating relationships are significant at the 5% level in the
\(\Delta w_{V,t}\) equation, consistent with the normalization in (10.4).
However, both cointegrating relationships also are significant at the 5%
level in the \(\Delta w_{V,t}\) equations, contradicting our assumption that
\(\alpha_{V1} = 0\). A nonzero value of \(\alpha_{V1} = 0\) will complicate
somewhat the interpretation of the estimates.