Errata for Stata documentation

Manuals by release

Submit an erratum

Stata 12
Stata 11
Stata 10
Stata 9
Stata 8
Stata 7
Stata 6

Explanation of errata

An erratum tells you where to find an error and what correction should be applied. Details are provided below using an example from the Stata version 10 manual errata.

The erratum below shows that for the first printing of the Base Reference Manual, Volume 1, the number of estimation results stored in memory should be changed from 20 to 300. You can find the error on page 396 in the second item under the heading "Remarks:".

(1) [R] estimates, p. 396, second item under Remarks

2. You can store up to 20 estimation results in memory so that they are at your fingertips. 2. You can store up to 300 estimation results in memory so that they are at your fingertips.

An erratum has two parts.

  • The first line of the entry tells you where to find the error.

    • The first item of the first line (in parentheses) tells the printing number(s) for which this erratum applies. (See below to learn how to determine the printing number of a manual.) If your manual is a later printing number than that mentioned, you can ignore the entry. The word "all" will appear instead of a number if the erratum applies to all printings of the manual.
    • The second item on the first line tells you which manual entry the erratum applies to. Above, [R] estimates indicates that the error is in the Base Reference Manual, Volume 1.
    • The third item on the first line gives the page number for the correction (p. 396 in the example above).
    • The first line of an erratum entry ends with more information to indicate where the error can be found. The example directs you to the second item under the heading "Remarks".
  • The second part of an erratum entry is below the first line of the entry and tells you what correction should be made. This information can appear in several different formats.

    • The most common form of an erratum entry is for changes. These are shown with the error in the left box and the correction in the right box. The example above follows this format, and you can see that the number of stored estimation results changed from 20 to 300. Sometimes a clarifying note will precede the listing of the change.
    • If something is to be deleted, a note to that effect will be shown.
    • If something is to be added, a note will indicate where to make the addition.
    • If a correction is complicated or large, a note will provide a link to the correction.
    • If there are many corrections in the same section and on the same page, the corrections will appear one after another within the same erratum entry.

The printing number of a book

When Stata makes changes to a book or manual, we change the printing number (the ISBN remains the same). You can determine the printing number of a book by looking on the page that gives the ISBN, copyright notice, etc. (one of the first pages in the book). You will find a line with numbers counting down from ten. The number at the end of this line is the printing number. So, for instance, the first printing of a book would have a line like this:

        10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1

The third printing would have a line like this:

        10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3