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Graphs Everyone Should Know and How to Create Them in Stata
Franz Buscha
Expected publication date: 2024

Data Analysis Using Stata, Fourth Edition
Ulrich Kohler, Frauke Kreuter, and Anna-Carolina Haensch
Expected publication date: 2025

Introductory Statistics Using Stata
Shauna Tominey and Alan Acock
Expected publication date: 2025

Stata par la pratique: Statistiques graphiques et éléments de programmation, Second Edition
Eric Cahuzac, Valerie Orozco, and Virginie Pigue
Expected publication date: 2025

Clinical Trial Designs and Sample Size Calculations Using Stata
Michael Grayling and Adrian Mander
Expected publication date: 2025

Introduction to Data Science Using Stata
Sean Becketti
Expected publication date: 2025

Applied Robust Regression in Stata
Ben Jann, Vincenzo Verardi, and Catherine Vermandele
Expected publication date: 2025

Visual Data Analytics
Demetris Christodoulou
Expected publication date: 2025

A Practical Guide to Logistic Regression Using Stata
Alan C. Acock
Expected publication date: 2025

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