*! version 1.1.0 01mar2006 Richard Williams, rwilliam@nd.edu * oglm_ll.ado is called by oglm written by Richard Williams * Technical details can be found at the bottom of this file program oglm_ll version 9.1 // order is lnf, xb, lnsigma & kappa. xb & lnsigma may or may not be // there so code adjusts accordingly gettoken lnf rest: 0 // The calling program should set the values of $oglmx and $oglmh. // But if that has not been done, it will be assumed that there is a location // equation but no scale equation. local oglmx $oglmx if "`oglmx'"=="" local oglmx 1 local oglmh $oglmh if "`oglmh'"=="" local oglmh 0 // Now read in the parameters if `oglmx' { gettoken xb rest: rest } else { local xb 0 } if `oglmh' { gettoken lnsigma rest: rest } else { local lnsigma 0 } local sigma exp(`lnsigma') foreach kappa in `rest' { local j = `j' + 1 local kappa`j' `kappa' } local Numeqs = `j' local M = `j' + 1 // M = # of categories in DV // Numeqs = Number of equations = number of categories - 1 // The global variables $dv_ contain the values for the 1rst, 2nd, 3rd // etc. values of Y. e.g. if Y is coded -3, 0, 3, then // $dv_1 = -3, $dv_2 = 0, $dv_3 = 3. // These should be set by the calling program. // If not already set, default Y coding is 1, 2, 3,... forval j = 1/`M' { if "${dv_`j'}"=="" { local dv_`j' `j' } else local dv_`j' ${dv_`j'} } // logit is the default link if none has been specified // This could be changed if someone preferred a different // default. But you would probably make the change in the // calling program unless you are using oglm_ll interactively. local link $Link if "`link'"=="" local link "logit" if "`link'"=="logit" { // This coding is for link logit, and is the default if // link is not specified. We can use symmetry with this link. // // cdf is pr(y <= j) = F(XBj) = 1 - exp(XBj)/(1 + exp(XBj)) // = 1 - invlogit(XBj) = invlogit(-XBj) // First (lowest) value of Y local xb1 ((`xb' - `kappa1')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln( invlogit(-`xb1')) if $ML_y1 == `dv_1' // Middle values of Y forval j = 2/`Numeqs' { local i = `j' - 1 local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`j'')/`sigma') local xbi ((`xb' - `kappa`i'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln( invlogit(-`xbj') - invlogit(-`xbi')) /// if $ML_y1 == `dv_`j'' } // Last (highest) value of Y. Symmetry is used here. local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`Numeqs'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln(invlogit(`xbj')) if $ML_y1 == `dv_`M'' } else if "`link'"=="probit" { // This coding is for link probit. Global var // $Link must equal "probit" in order to use this. // We can use symmetry with this link. // // cdf is pr(y <= j) = F(XBj) = 1 - norm(XBj) = norm(-XBj) // where norm is the cumulative standard normal distribution // First (lowest) value of Y local xb1 ((`xb' - `kappa1')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln( norm(-`xb1')) if $ML_y1 == `dv_1' // Middle values of Y forval j = 2/`Numeqs' { local i = `j' - 1 local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`j'')/`sigma') local xbi ((`xb' - `kappa`i'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln( norm(-`xbj') - norm(-`xbi') ) /// if $ML_y1 == `dv_`j'' } // Last (highest) value of Y. Symmetry is used here. local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`Numeqs'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln(norm(`xbj')) if $ML_y1 == `dv_`M'' } else if "`link'"=="cloglog" { // This coding is for link cloglog. Global var // $Link must equal "cloglog" in order to use this. // We cannot use symmetry with this link. // SPSS PLUM calls this nloglog. // // cdf is pr(y <= j) = F(XBj) = exp(-exp(XBj) = 1 - invcloglog(XBj) // which is the inverse of the negative log-log function. // First (lowest) value of Y local xb1 ((`xb' - `kappa1')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln(exp(-exp(`xb1'))) if $ML_y1 == `dv_1' // Middle values of Y. forval j = 2/`Numeqs' { local i = `j' - 1 local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`j'')/`sigma') local xbi ((`xb' - `kappa`i'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln(exp(-exp(`xbj')) - exp(-exp(`xbi'))) /// if $ML_y1 == `dv_`j'' } // Last (highest) value of Y. local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`Numeqs'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln(1 - exp(-exp(`xbj'))) if $ML_y1 == `dv_`M'' } else if "`link'"=="loglog" { // This coding is for link loglog. Global var // $Link must equal "loglog" in order to use this. // We cannot use symmetry with this link. // SPSS PLUM calls this cloglog. // // cdf is pr(y <= j) = F(XBj) = 1 - exp(-exp(-XBj) = invcloglog(-XBj) // where invcloglog is the inverse of the complementary // log-log function // First (lowest) value of Y local xb1 ((`xb' - `kappa1')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln(1-exp(-exp(-`xb1'))) if $ML_y1 == `dv_1' // Middle values of Y forval j = 2/`Numeqs' { local i = `j' - 1 local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`j'')/`sigma') local xbi ((`xb' - `kappa`i'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln( 1-exp(-exp(-`xbj')) - (1-exp(-exp(-`xbi')))) /// if $ML_y1 == `dv_`j'' } // Last (highest) value of Y. Can't use symmetry with this link local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`Numeqs'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln(exp(-exp(-`xbj'))) if $ML_y1 == `dv_`M'' } else if "`link'" == "cauchit" { // This coding is for link cauchit (inverse Cauchy). Global var // $Link must equal "cauchit" in order to use this. // We cannot use symmetry with this link. // // cdf is pr(y <= j) = F(XBj) = .5 + (1/_pi) * atan(-XBj) // First (lowest) value of Y local xb1 ((`xb' - `kappa1')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln( .5 + (1/_pi) * atan(-`xb1')) if $ML_y1 == `dv_1' // Middle values of Y forval j = 2/`Numeqs' { local i = `j' - 1 local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`j'')/`sigma') local xbi ((`xb' - `kappa`i'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln( (.5 + (1/_pi) * atan(-`xbj')) - (.5 + (1/_pi) * atan(-`xbi'))) /// if $ML_y1 == `dv_`j'' } // Last (highest) value of Y. Symmetry is not used here. local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`Numeqs'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln(1 - (.5 + (1/_pi) * atan(-`xbj'))) if $ML_y1 == `dv_`M'' } else if "`link'"=="log" { // This coding is for link log. This is experimental, I'm not sure it is // coded right or even makes sense in the ordinal case // // cdf is pr(y <= j) = F(XBj) = 1 - exp(XBj) // First (lowest) value of Y local xb1 ((`xb' - `kappa1')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln( 1-exp(`xb1')) if $ML_y1 == `dv_1' // Middle values of Y forval j = 2/`Numeqs' { local i = `j' - 1 local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`j'')/`sigma') local xbi ((`xb' - `kappa`i'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln( 1-exp(`xbj') - ( 1-exp(`xbi'))) /// if $ML_y1 == `dv_`j'' } // Last (highest) value of Y. local xbj ((`xb' - `kappa`Numeqs'')/`sigma') quietly replace `lnf' = ln(exp(`xbj')) if $ML_y1 == `dv_`M'' } end /* Technical details of formulas used in this routine See the Stata Manual formulas for ologit & oprobit. These are on p. 346 of the Stata 9 Reference Manual K-Q. Links besides logit & probit are derived from SPSS documentation on the algorithms for PLUM. The hetero parameter (which can also be called scale or eq2) is adapted from SPSS Plum's scale parametet. Stata & SPSS use different names for some links. What SPSS calls cloglog, Stata calls loglog. What SPSS calls nloglog, Stata calls cloglog. I follow Stata's naming conventions. kappas are the cutpoints. They will be the negatives of the intercepts in routines which parameterize the models differently, e.g. gologit2. In the ordinal regression routines, the Betas are the same for all categories of Y. For convenience, let XBj = XB - KAPPAj. Also, let i = j - 1. Then F(XBj) = cumulative distribution function = pr(y <= j) pr(y = j) = F(XBj) - F(XBi) Note that when j = 1, F(XB0) = pr(y <= 0) = 0 so pr(y = 1) = F(XB1) Note that when j = M (the highest categoy of Y) F(XBj) = pr(y <= M) = 1 so pr(y = M) = 1 - F(XBi) = F(-XBi) (when link fnc is symmetric; it isn't always.) The invlogit, norm and invcloglog functions are used in this routine. Each is used to convert a linear prediction into the corresponding probability. Here are the formulas/definitions for these, as noted in the Stata 8.2 help: invlogit(x) returns the inverse of the logit function of x. invlogit(x) = exp(x)/(1 + exp(x)). norm(z) returns the cumulative standard normal distribution. invcloglog(x) returns the inverse of the complementary log-log function of x. invcloglog(x) = 1 - exp(-exp(x)). I used the invcloglog function in earlier versions of this routine. However, for whatever reason, I found that the program worked better if I used the equivalent 1 - exp(-exp(x)) coding instead. */